Monday, August 29, 2011

Senior Smiles

I met up with my hubby's cousin last week to take some senior pictures
downtown.  It was so nice having his mom come along for these too...she was able to call him out on those fake or forced smiles hehe!!!!  We had
such a great night and were able to take some awesome pictures.

  I hope you have a great Senior year!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The SHIRT!!!!

Anyone who knows our family, knows how big of fans we
are of Notre Dame Football :)  Ya ya ya, we get a lot of grief
from our MSU and U of M friends, but let's face it....the Irish
are amazing!

Every year my grandparents make a trip to the University and buy shirts for all of us for the upcoming season.  I was SO surprised when my
Grandma brought home some goodies for Lily too this year! 
Totally unexpected!  I had to share :)

We may have to wait until next season....but she got her
these adorable little cheerleading pom's

LOVE this bright blue color they picked for this year

She even grabbed her this adorable pair of socks!  I must admit, mama's
a little bit jealous ;)  Hmmm wonder if I can squeeze my feet into these!?!


Recently I had the pleasure of hanging out with my friend Jody's
twin girls.  Jody is such an amazing mom with these two little angels.
As soon as one would start to fuss a little, she would jump into
super mom mode and make everything better...until the other one would
start to get upset ;)  I don't know how she manages to juggle these two sweeties, but she sure is doing an awesome job! 
They really were SUCH great babies throughout
our photo session, here's a peak of their pictures!

Had to pacify them for a little bit, but they are still

We all know how much I love baby feet....Times two is
even cuter!!!
 One of Jody's friends made these adorable little
tu-tu's for the girls.  I'm in LOVE with them!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Introducing My Nephew!

My sister in-law and nephew were up here visiting for a week
from Nashville, and we were able to sneak in some
3 month pictures of the little man while they were visiting.  He
is such a little in, as soon as Auntie Kristin
pulled out the camera all smiles were gone.  We were still
able to capture some adorable pics of the handsome little
guy, but me with a camera is something he's going
to have to get used to :P

We saw a lot of faces like this one, "Mom, I'm not too sure
about having my picture taken today"

These were just a REAL quick preview!  Life has been pretty crazy the past week for us and I'm trying my fastest to get pictures edited and online for clients. 

Check back soon for lots more precious faces :)