I am so proud to be a mom today. There are so many
things going on, and available to us now to make the lives of children today safer and healthier. When I was pregnant, I swore up
and down that I was going jump on the clothe diaper
band wagon. That didn't exactly happen.... When the realization hit
me of JUST how many diapers you actually go through with
a newborn, it was a bit of a reality check! I just couldn't
find myself to do it. For you mom's out there who
not only lose sleep and your state of mind at times...I SO ADMIRE YOU!
What an amazing woman you are to sacrifice yet one more part
of your day! I'd high five you if you were here talking to me ;)
Anyways! I still want to do as much for Lily as I can. I grew a garden this
year and when planting it thought, "Why not throw some veggies in here and
try out making babyfood!?" Oh my goodness, when I looked into it I could not believe how simple it is! Seriously ladies, you steam or bake your veggies, throw em in the ole food processor and walk away while they puree. It's amazing. SO simple and you know EXACTLY what you're feeding
to your little one. And think of how much money you will save!
I just had to snap some pics and post about my first time making Lily carrots. I couldn't believe how fast and simple it was, and that was
with a whiney teething 5 1/2 month old clinging to me most of
the time!
Just chop up some carrots and throw them in to steam, if
you need to buy them definitely go with organic!
Throw em in the ole food processor, you'll need to add a bit of
water. I used the water that I steamed them in.
Once they were all smashed up, I put them into ice cube trays to
freeze them
I used 3 lbs of carrots and they filled three trays.
Then just pop em in the freezer to harden up
I suggest having a glass of wine and some cheesecake after that's all done :)
Once froze, they pop out SO easy!
Then put them in a freezer bag with the name/date and anytime
you need to feed your little munchkin grab a cube and let it thaw out :)
Each cube is about 1 ounce so you know just how much you're feeding.
I hope you do try this for your little one. I've already gotten apples, squash, green beans, pears and carrots as you saw. The hubby is hoping
this doesn't get in the way of all my big people canning!!!