Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Farmer's Market

My Dad's Birthday was last week and that morning he and I went
to the Farmer's Market together to pick up some yummy
local produce.  I of course brought my camera along to snap
some pictures of our outing....Enjoy!

Look at the beautiful sunflowers!  They were begging me to bring
them home to enjoy my kitchen ;)

Check out the size of these green onions!

Hmm, more flowers....I'll have to grab these next week when
we go.  Nothing beats fresh cut flowers :)

And check out these guys!  They were playing some fun folk music for
everyone while they were shopping :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

3 Months Old Already

I recently posted the SUPER late newborn pics of our precious little peanut, but she's actually growing so insanely fast that I can't
believe I'm posting her three month pics already!  She received
her first pink dress from her auntie Stacey and it was a little too
big for her when she was first born so I was so excited that
she finally fit into it for her three month pics!  There's just something
to be said for a little girls first pink frilly dress! 
I can't believe how fast this time with her has gone.  Everyday
she is surprising us with something new and I'm sure
we are like all new parents when we say, "Is she not the
cutest little girl EVER?!!"  Hehe, we think so anyway :)

Her favorite part of tummy time is kicking those back
legs like crazy and scooting herself towards us.  She was drooling and
chewing on her lip like crazy here.  "I'm coming for ya mommy!"

At this point our little lady was getting pretty sick of smiling for
the camera.  She's at the point where whenever mom
or dad holds up a cell phone or camera to take a picture, she
loses all expression and just gives us this blank stare. 
Gotta love her!

BUT...every once in a while she'll give us some precious
smiles we love to see!

Doesn't that face just say "Seriously mom....I'm over this picture thing"
Hahaha, get used to it sweetie!  You're gonna be mama's
number one subject :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blue Eyed Beauty

I met Nicole through her sister and when I found out she was going
to be a senior this year I HAD to take some of her senior pictures. 
She is absolutely stunning and has such an outgoing personality that she made my job easy to capture some amazing pictures.  Going through
 them all made my job of picking a few for her preview SO hard! 
Here you go Nicole, I hope you had as much fun as I did....even though we had to fight some strong winds down by the water ;)

Just look at those blue eyes!

Thanks again Nicole :)  Enjoy your senior year!